Since we wrapped up The 4 Part Discover Your Spiritual Gifts series with last week’s post, If You Can Hear People’s Thoughts, Then You’re Probably Clairaudient, this is my first blog since returning from Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and from batching my posts. So, this post is bittersweet because I get to share some knowledge with you but I also have to make time to batch more blog posts!
Please send coffee! Anyway, enough of me. Let’s get to the goods.
I was in Punta Cana for 5 days to celebrate my best friend’s bachelorette party. I seriously fell in love with the República Dominicana and told my Project Manager Jessica that this really certifies my longing to learn Spanish. Side note: I was pretty good at speaking French. My Pop Pop helped me practice over the years. However, when he passed I had no one to practice with and I became rusty. I definitely want to get back in the grove of learning multiple languages.
While I did my usual prepping a week ahead of time, where I take my time to do the laundry, collect travel size items, and pack, it was slightly different this time because I was excited to order a new bathing suit.
If you remember, last year when I went to Iceland it was my first time wearing a bathing suit at the nice age of 32. I talked about it in Icelandic Adventure: Blue Lagoon, Northern Lights, & The Golden Circle. Long story short, the bathing suit I ordered was a hot mess. It arrived hours before I was due to leave my house (even though I opted to expedite the shipment) and it didn’t fit at all (And, yes I looked at the size chart). So, I wore the bathing suit that I used when I was in the Blue Lagoon.
Little did I know that bathing suit became a crucial factor for this trip!
While I was waiting for some of the other ladies to get ready to hit the beach, I asked one of the other bridesmaids to take a picture of me. I just had a vision as I was walking out of the hotel room to take a picture by the door. Truth be told I thought maybe I’ll just post it to Instagram after I add a rose filter because the color didn’t match my brand. But something happened…
I looked at the picture of me and I said, “I liked the woman who I have become. My tattoos and all. I love it.”
It was a deep sense of satisfaction and awe. The bathing suit complimented my body type. I love how it showed my curves. I loved my stance. I loved my hair. I loved everything. Last year in that bathing suit, I was a bit uncomfortable. This year, it came full circle. I’ve put so much work into myself the last 5 years and I’m proud of me, which leads me to the 13 points.
The 13 Ways
1. I wore a different wig every day.
It may sound crazy or extra but I love wearing different hair colors and styles. It’s how I express myself. Somedays I feel like I’m in priestess or mystic mode and wear the silver-purple hair or the dark blue, dark purple, and dark red hair. This is a way to dress like a goddess and tap into that element that’s within.
2. I connected with the elements.
Like wearing different wigs, this can be done anywhere. However, there’s something about the vibe that is the determining factor. While on a boat for one of our activities, I just basked in the sun and embraced the breeze on my face and through my hair. I drank coconut water straight from the coconut. I also had the “Coco Loco” where I had rum added to the coconut and pineapple with the rum. I just immersed myself in my surroundings. All goddesses have some connection with the elements. Being able to just focus on being in the flow of a situation with the help of an element, such as enjoying the warmth of the sun, is therapeutic.
3. I enjoyed some Mama Juana.
I believe that alcohol aka spirits are a gift of the gods. Mama Juana is a drink that I was encouraged to drink from just about every bartender! Mama Juana is a Dominican Republic drink that has been fermented with rum, red wine, and herbs. It’s a strong drink but, it’s good. I like to try the food and drink that’s popular in an area or is based in that area.
4. I took a nap on the beach.
Remember, it’s all about the vibe. There’s something about traveling to a place rich in culture and where no one knows you. I had a pineapple with rum, found a chair that was under a palm tree, and took a nap while the ocean breeze served as my blanket. Everyone minded their business. We stayed at a resort with a private beach (not all resorts have private beaches). And, it was just the perfect way to recharge and receive visions. We had just gotten off of a boat where we ate seafood and drunk rum.
C’est la vie.
5. With the exception of alcohol, I bought via small business.
I like buying from the locals. Yes, I negotiate the prices but I make an effort to support the local business. I could buy from the airport and save time trying to place everything in my luggage – but – I’m a visitor and I just feel like it’s customary to support where I can. I have to buy the alcohol from the airport because I only use carry on luggage. Goddesses have customs that they practice, whether it’s to be of service, to heal, support, or conquer. I look at it as my way of supporting small business.
6. Social media detox.
This was something that was unplanned. I have an international plan. However, my internet was still slow. I was told by a representative of my phone company before I left that the service would be as if I had 2G. I still didn’t think it would be as slow. It turned out to be a good thing because it allowed me to be more present. There were times when I wanted to do an Instagram live or load pictures but it didn’t work. My text messaging was perfect. It was an impromptu social media detox but I appreciated it. For 5 days we lived in our own little bubble- living in the moment and being positive.
7. One-on-one time.
A really cool thing that happened was that everyone spent some alone time with someone else during the bachelorette party. In other words, we got to know each other even better while we walked back to our rooms, figured out the dinner situation, or going shopping. There were times where we were all together and times where we split up. It was nice.
8. I learned some interesting things about Punta Cana and The Dominican Republic as a whole.
Everywhere I go, I learn something about the culture, food, and history. I’ll definitely be back.
9. I thought about my past life.
When I travel, especially if it’s to a different country, I often wonder if I’ve been there in a past life. This is more of a side note but let’s face it, goddesses live through many lifetimes taking care of business and having experiences.
10. We explored all of what the resort had to offer.
While we did go off of the resort, which is all-inclusive, we made an effort to explore what was right there for us, such as the different pools, restaurants, and even a mall. This was key because if you were to rewind to 10 years ago when I was in my 20s, it would be that we HAVE to leave, to go out and do something. Now, we look at what’s right here. We didn’t HAVE to go the external route for entertainment instead we WANTED to. Making that determination hugely impacts our level of fun and satisfaction. For example, one night we went to Coco Bongo (think of a club meets Cirque Du Soleil) and danced the night away!
11. I gave oracle readings.
It was nice to help the ladies with understanding certain situations and providing insight. It also helped them with their intuition.
12. Confidence booster.
With each trip I go on I feel like I’m leveling up in some way, shape, or form. Sometimes it’s a confidence booster regarding what I’m able to do and other times it’s gaining life experience. Overall, it’s beneficial for my mental health and life purpose.
13. I never return home the same.
I always come back with a new sense of purpose that I want to share. I feel like I shed some parts of me and other parts are blooming. I also rest when I come back. So, it’s like I’m forced to have some downtime, which is nice because I tend to talk myself out of it sometimes.
Embracing my goddess energy isn’t just one big thing or a ritual. It’s a series of things which are unique to me, that when combined, unlocks areas within me and rejuvenates other areas. It’s as if I’m transforming every time.
How do you embrace your goddess energy?
Let me know in the comments below!
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