Oh the wonderful world of dreams, how I love thee. A place of adventures and messages being delivered to us courtesy of our subconscious, it’s such a treat to be able to understand what our dreams are trying to tell us. While this post is all about focusing on our dreams, you may want to check out ways to prep yourself for sleep, and the evening as a whole before you hit the hay, in the post: Delightful Nighttime Rituals To Make Your Evenings More Magical.
Before I dive into the Dreamtime rituals for deep transformation, I want to address some common concerns I receive from people when I mention dreams or Dreamtime work:
- Everyone dreams but not everyone remembers their dreams.
- Yes, reoccurring dreams have a message just waiting to be deciphered.
- You can remember your dream and in their entirety through training.
Now that we have cleared the air and all that jazz about dreams, let’s get to the nitty-gritty about how we can utilize our dreams for deep transformation to happen! We are going to focus on five main areas I get approached about often, love life, financial situation, belief system, living your truth, and entrepreneurial feats.
So, why use our dreams at all for deep transformation?
Remember that our dreams deliver messages from our subconscious. In order for any real transformation to happen, we have to begin at the sub level, backtrack, go to the root of the issue. Our subconscious is where all of that lies. For example, if we want to be great at manifesting money in our lives, then we have to look at what are our core beliefs about money. That core is the subconscious.
Think about what you want to transform in your life.
Intentions are everything. Be honest with yourself. What do you really want to transform in your life? How do you want your love life, financial life, and other areas in your life to look like?
Also, have a dream journal by your bed so you can record what you want to transform in your life and the dreams you have.
The main thing here is to take note of what you do remember from your dreams and write out your actions throughout the week.
Also, note that you may have to repeat certain rituals throughout the week before you remember the Dreamtime message.
Dreamtime ritual to transform your love life.
- Place a tumbled (smooth, no points) rose quartz under your pillow or on your nightstand. The rose quartz is a great crystal to use for various forms of love.
- Write on a sheet of paper or mentally think about what changes you would like to see happen in your love life. Make sure you end it with “This or something better”.
- Spray a scent that makes you think of love, like jasmine.
- Think about what it would feel like if you immersed yourself with that transformative love.
- Take a deep breath, place your hand on your heart chakra (center of your chest), and smile knowing that you are the co-creator of your love path.
- Repeat the following statement: “My dreams will deliver messages regarding (fill in the blank) and I will remember it in its entirety.
- In the morning, burn the sheet of paper if you used the paper, express gratitude, and write anything that comes to mind in your dream journal.
Dreamtime ritual to transform your financial situation.
- Place a tumbled pyrite under your pillow or on your nightstand. Pyrite is great for attracting abundance.
- Write on a sheet of paper or mentally think about what changes you would like to see happen in your financial situation. Make sure you end it with “This or something better”.
- Spray a scent that makes you think of money. Smelling cinnamon also helps as cinnamon is great for attracting abundance.
- Think about what it would feel like if you immersed yourself with that transformative financial situation.
- Take a deep breath, place your hand on your root chakra (base of spine), and smile knowing that you are the co-creator of your financial path.
- Repeat the following statement: “My dreams will deliver messages regarding (fill in the blank) and I will remember it in its entirety.
- In the morning, burn the sheet of paper if you used the paper, express gratitude, and write anything that comes to mind in your dream journal.
Dreamtime ritual to transform your limiting beliefs
- Place a tumbled fluorite under your pillow or on your nightstand. Using fluorite will aid in cleansing the mind and spiritual residue.
- Write on a sheet of paper or mentally think about what changes you would like to see happen in a situation if limitations weren’t an issue. Make sure you end it with “This or something better”.
- Spray a scent that makes you think of freedom. Smelling peppermint is great for cleansing and purifying the environment, which is great to aid in welcoming and making room for a new thought process.
- Think about what it would feel like if you immersed yourself in a situation where a solution is always available.
- Take a deep breath, place your hand on your crown chakra (top of the head), and smile knowing that you are the co-creator of your limitless path.
- Repeat the following statement: “My dreams will deliver messages regarding (fill in the blank) and I will remember it in its entirety.
- In the morning, burn the sheet of paper if you used the paper, express gratitude, and write anything that comes to mind in your dream journal.
Dreamtime ritual to transform your relationship with yourself.
- Place a tumbled aqua aura crystal under your pillow or on your nightstand. Aqua aura will guide you to connect with your chakras, soul self, and enhance your abilities to speak your truth.
- Write on a sheet of paper or mentally think about what changes you would like to see happen in a situation if you lived your truth. Make sure you end it with “This or something better”.
- Spray a scent that makes you think of you. Lavender can help with this process.
Think about what it would feel like if you immersed yourself in a situation where you can live out your passions and just be you. - Take a deep breath, place your hand on your throat chakra (center of the throat), and smile knowing that you are the co-creator of your limitless path.
- Repeat the following statement: “My dreams will deliver messages regarding (fill in the blank) and I will remember it in its entirety.
- In the morning, burn the sheet of paper if you used the paper, express gratitude, and write anything that comes to mind in your dream journal.
Dreamtime ritual to transform your entrepreneurial situation.
- Place a tumbled tiger’s eye crystal under your pillow or on your nightstand. The tiger’s eye crystal will help you navigate in the unknown, trust in the process, overcome anxiety, and help with motivation.
- Write on a sheet of paper or mentally think about what changes you would like to see happen in a situation where you are finally at that point you want to be in your business. Make sure you end it with “This or something better”.
- Spray a scent that makes you think of business success. Rosemary can help with this process.
- Think about what it would feel like if you immersed yourself in a situation where you won’t let failure or other things hold you back from being a successful entrepreneur.
- Take a deep breath, place your hand on your solar-plexus chakra (just above the navel), and smile knowing that you are the co-creator of your successful entrepreneurial path.
- Repeat the following statement: “My dreams will deliver messages regarding (fill in the blank) and I will remember it in its entirety.
- In the morning, burn the sheet of paper if you used the paper, express gratitude, and write anything that comes to mind in your dream journal.
I have such vivid dreams all the time! Beautiful post, will try tonight!
great post. I have never really put much thought about my dreams.
Thank you! Yes. The dream world is crazy amazing and very helpful. I hope you get to enjoy your dreams soon.
Oh yes. Dreams are magical
Well said. thanks for the guidance and information regarding dreams. I would focus on a better relationship with myself.
That’s amazing. The relationship with self is one of the greatest relationships to have. It really allows many things to fall in place.
Sounds great! Best of luck. ♥️