A major life hack I have learned over my three-plus decades on this planet is that to really live your truth involves asking yourself a series of questions over and over again until you get to that bare-bones answer. Similar to when a parent asks a child while he is crying and the initial response is babble. However, by the fourth time the parent asks (let’s face it when has a parent not have to repeat themselves?), the boy will say something like “I didn’t want to get in trouble.”
Your first response is usually the one you prepared to protect your inner child or that vulnerable adult. And, there is nothing wrong with being prepared or protecting yourself. However, this time we are going to pull back the curtain and lower the defenses so we can live our truth that went to the wayside for whatever reason years ago.
1. Do I Deserve This?
When something good happens to you, how do you feel about it? When someone compliments you, what do you do? One of the most damaging phrases we are told as a kid is that “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Really? So, I’m just supposed to look at it and watch it rot? I know it’s just an expression but it translates into people not wanting to ask for a promotion or allowing themselves to just be because God forbid it you want to have it all. The Universe is vast and abundant. There are room and resources for everyone, we just have to tap into that energy. We are battling the concept of we can’t have it all and being told that we can manifest anything. This causes static in attracting what we want results in delays or it just not happening.
Ask yourself “Do I deserve (fill in the blank)” several times until you get the gut jerk, aha moment, anger why not moment, tear in your eyes moment. That is your answer.
2. Have I Accepted Myself Fully?
This ties into number 1 because if you feel like you don’t really deserve the best then chances are you haven’t fully accepted who you truly are because you’re in survival mode. It’s okay. You were living your life as best you could but there’s something, that inkling from within asking you to step into your spotlight. Step into your spotlight and begin ignoring the naysayers, doubters, judgers, unproductive situations, and habits.
Ask yourself “Have I accepted myself fully?” several times until you get the gut jerk, aha moment, anger why not moment, tear in your eyes moment. That is your answer.
3. What Will It Cost Me If I Don’t Do It?
Sometimes we don’t see the value or purpose of something initially. We have to be in the long haul for many things we want to achieve or become in life. That process doesn’t come without hardships. Because there will be many trial and errors, people become discouraged. Remember, many inventors failed thousands of times before they got it right and that’s not an exaggeration. Thomas Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at creating the lightbulb. While you may not fail at something 1,000 times, you may do something that didn’t work out and think that it’s not for you. You have to ascertain if it really isn’t for you or if it’s something that you just have to tweak. The one thing I guarantee that you don’t want to do is have regrets.
Ask yourself “What will it cost me if I don’t do it?” several times until you get the gut jerk, aha moment, anger why not moment, tear in your eyes moment. That is your answer.
4. Why Haven’t I Made Time For Myself?
We all need to recharge, relax, just do nothing. I get it. It’s not like we can “clock out” of life at 5pm and stop adulting. However, we must have time for just us and that is non-negotiable. A car can’t run if the tank is empty and our phones won’t turn on without being charged. Think about what happens when our phone’s battery power gets low: the light gets dimmer and some apps start to run slower. What happens when we are on the brink of being burnt out? We become irritable, don’t eat (or overeat), and we look ill. We are good people. We don’t have to be superman or superwoman. We don’t have to be a martyr to please others. Now is time to take back our energy and time.
Ask yourself “Why haven’t I made time for me?” several times until you get the gut jerk, aha moment, anger why not moment, tear in your eyes moment. That is your answer.
5. Why Did I Ignore The Red Flags?
The ounce of good we see in someone can distort the person they truly are. For example, let’s say you’ve been dating a guy for over a year who you live with and he helps you to pay the bills. Yet, he is extremely passive aggressive, doesn’t appear to have any goals, and is a bit cynical. The relationship feels more like a convenience for him (splitting bills) than anything else. Why are you still in this relationship and ignoring your intuition that is telling you to leave? This also applies to friendships and work situations.
Ask yourself “Why did I ignore the red flags?” several times until you get the gut jerk, aha moment, anger why not moment, tear in your eyes moment. That is your answer.