Oh, Thursday! What do you think of when Thursday comes to mind? Do you notice any different types of feelings? The energies of Thursday, in accordance with the energies of the planet Jupiter, include abundance, good health, leadership, and prosperity. A name origin for Thursday is Thunresdaeg (Old English for Thunder’s day aka the Norse god of thunder, Thor). Side note: When I discovered that Thursday is in connection with the planet Jupiter, it reminded me of my childhood because Sailor Jupiter in the anime Sailor Moon was one of my favorite characters. I felt the need to mention Sailor Jupiter here because maybe Thursdays are a time where you can add to your good (mental) health by reminding yourself about the “good times” or maybe a way to create more good times for you to reminisce about later!
Below are ways to make Thursday a day for you to make more space for prosperity, good health, and the sort. Keep in mind that the below information is suggestions, guides. Sometimes, you have to go with what you’re drawn to at the time. For example, you may choose to work with your favorite crystal instead of what is recommended below or you don’t wear any of the recommended colors. That’s not a “Make or break. Oh no. I’m not doing it right” moment. Remember with any magickal work we do, We are the magick. We are the most important factor in our spell and ritual work. We fuel the power. Objects, color usage, and the sort are a bonus to our work that can give it an extra boost.
Spell Or Ritual For This Day:
I don’t have a particular spell or ritual I do for this day. However, you can create and use a spell or ritual in the realm of prosperity, health (on multiple levels), abundance, courage.
Deities Associated W𝐢𝐭𝐡 Thursday:
Thor: Norse god of thunder, “Everyman’s god”. defender against evil, associated with sterility and abundance,
Zeus: Greek god of the sky, leader of the Greek gods, thunderbolt weapon
Jove/Jupiter: Roman god of the sky, justice, agriculture, leader of the gods,
Flowers & Plants:
Honeysuckle, cinquefoil, mint
Sapphire, Amethyst, Turquoise
Purple, royal blue, green
Herbs, Spices, & Food:
Cinnamon, nutmeg
Essential Oils:
Clove, honeysuckle, nutmeg, sage
Source: Book of Witchery by Ellen Dugan