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The Sun’s Secret Allies: Tapping Into Sun Energy With Solar Crystals
Crystals have long been revered for their powerful energies and their ability to amplify intentions and manifestations. In the realm of crystal magick, solar crystals hold a special place as they resonate with the radiant energy of the sun. As we embrace the vibrant...
read moreIf You’re A Visionary, Then This Post Is For You
Welcome to Part 3 of The 4 Part Discover Your Spiritual Gifts series! This week, we will focus on you being clairvoyant! The purpose of this series is to help you discover your spiritual gifts and, in turn, consciously use, understand, and take ownership of those...
read moreThe Real Reason Why You’re Always Right
Welcome to Part 2 of The 4 Part Discover Your Spiritual Gifts series! This week, we will focus on you being claircognizantt! The purpose of this series is to help you discover your spiritual gifts and, in turn, consciously use, understand, and take ownership of those...
read morePeople Say You’re Just Being Sensitive; I Say You’re Clairsentient
Welcome to the 4 Part Discover Your Spiritual Gifts series! This week, we will focus on you being clairsentient! The purpose of this series is to help you discover your spiritual gifts and, in turn, consciously use, understand, and take ownership of those gifts. Let’s...
read moreHow To Unlock Your Inner Magic
Everyone has that “thing” about them that just amazes people. It can be as simple as how someone navigates through a room and witnessing how people flock towards them. It can be someone’s intelligence, athleticism, or speaking abilities. It can also be how someone...
read moreThe Spiritual Self-Care Package:10 Must Haves
How cool would it be if someone gave us a care package for life overall and then at the milestones? Something like a here’s a “Welcome to your 30s care package” and in the package was information about health, more financial information, a list of healthy places to...
read moreThe Pressures Of Being Spiritual: How To Disconnect & Just Be You
I must admit that when I initially dived into spirituality I was angry. I was angry when I learned about the smear campaigns done against spirituality. I was angry at the fact that some religions took certain spiritual practices (after their smear campaign), renamed...
read moreHow To Stop Sabotaging Yourself This Year & Beyond
Sabotaging ourselves can happen on multiple levels. It can be something small like staying in bed for 10 extra minutes that causes us to rush to get out of the house and arrive late. It can be something large like denying ourselves the opportunities we have been...
read moreRev Up Your Visualization Techniques With These Crystals
Crystals are great tools to use for various areas in our lives. They help to raise and cleanse the energy in an environment, whether it’s a room or our personal environments such as our aura or chakras. A really cool and fun way to use crystals is to help us visualize...
read moreWhat The Power Number For This Year Really Means
While we are all familiar with cycles of the year and that fresh start feeling in January, there’s another factor that comes into play with each year. That factor is the year’s number. It’s a simple calculation and it makes all the difference in the world when it...
read more4 Vision Boards You Need In Your Life Now
Vision board are great visual aids that helps us to manifest our desires and to keep our minds on track of our goals. Vision boards have become a bit of a New Year trend over the years and it goes by different names, such as dream board. Despite it’s trendiness, there...
read moreHow To Recover From The Holiday Blues
We are back! It’s the first full week of work and life for many of us, which means we are really back to our regularly scheduled programs. I don’t know about you, but I get sad around this time of the year because all the festivities are over. Even if Christmas isn’t...
read more7 Sacred Methods To Make 2019 Your Best Year
In last week’s post, 9 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before New Year’s Eve, we dove into some very important questions to ask ourselves in order to fully usher in the New Year. In this post, we are going to examine 7 sacred methods that will make all the...
read more9 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before New Year’s Eve
We have rituals. Some rituals are daily while others are yearly. I’m all for rituals, but one ritual I can’t get on board with is the yearly one of making a resolution for the new year. I wrote a blog post years ago on my old blog website about why making a New Year’s...
read more10 Gifts To Give Yourself Now
In previous podcast episodes, I have mentioned that I don’t go crazy on Black Friday. I go to a few stores with my mom around 9am. I’m not going to wake up mad early after a day of eating and drinking to give someone The People’s Elbow for a curved TV. Nope. Not...
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