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Magickal Midday Practices

Magickal Midday Practices

Need a midday pick-me-up, a second win of sorts? Harness the magickal energy of the sun at its highest point during the day to power up your spells and rituals to get you over the midday hump. Whether you have a few minutes or a full hour, here are some magickal...

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How To Be Productive And Stop Overthinking

Before I learned that my detailed thought process had a name, I wore it like a badge of honor. I took pride in the ability that I ensured all of my ’T’s were crossed and ‘I’s dotted or that I thought of every possible scenario for a task. I wanted my website to have...

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5 Ways To Get Back To Your High Vibrating Self

What happens when we put tons of work into our spirituality but something happens to throw us off our A game? That time period where we just need to heal, cope, and plan. This can be from a myriad of situations, such as the result of a major life event, being fired...

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5 Wellness Hacks To Improve Your Life

I’m all about being efficient in as many areas as possible. For example, I remember as a kid thinking who are these people who eat the exact recommended portion of each food group every day? That sounds tiresome and like it consumes too much time. It’s too rigid. When...

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How To Pick Your Success Team

If you watch any documentary about any successful person they will tell you that they had a person or people who helped them get there. That form of help could have been reading their publications, having a mentor, or receiving resources like someone’s time, money,...

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Spring Clean Your Life In 7 Effortless Ways

  It’s the most wonderful time of the year to do spring cleaning! It may sound like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Read on to discover 7 Effortless Ways to Spring Clean Your Life.    1. Do one new thing a week. Months ago a friend asked if me I was happy...

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Spirituality vs. Religion: Is it wrong?

A common question I get asked is if spirituality is wrong. When I was asked this at a recent talk I was giving, I was delighted to give an answer and have a conversation about spirituality. The answer is a resounding “No”. I know this may ruffle a few people’s...

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About Me

I am an intuitive healer, international speaker, and best-selling author. Tia loves helping spiritually centered people crack the code of their intuitive gifts & overcome energetic blocks.

Tia Johnson

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