If we ever want to understand our actions, thoughts, and situations we experience, understanding, and evaluating our chakras are a great start. Chakras, the spinning energetic wheels within us are connected to each other and need to be nurtured. In other words, if one chakra is “off”, then another chakra is also “off.” Our chakras give us insights into what is going on with us. For example, throat physical issues are almost always related to us not speaking up enough for ourselves or not being as expressive as we should be.
As a result, there is a block spiritually that shows up physically as an issue that needs to be removed, sometimes medically. For those reasons, and more, I’ve created a chakra post series as a resource for knowing, understanding, evaluating, and nurturing your chakras. This resource also includes correspondences like which organs, colors, crystals, and foods are related to the chakra. Use the below information to combine using what’s recommended and consciously think about your chakra as your doing so. You may even want to get a check-up on the glands and organs below.
Lower abdomen, below the navel, the sacrum
Reproductive system, ovaries, testicles, prostate, genitals, womb, bladder
Carnelian, amber, citrine, gold topaz, peach aventurine
Orange colored foods, fish, nuts, coconuts, foods beneficial to the glands and organs
Intimacy, self-respect, creativity, giving and receiving, emotions, desire, pleasure, sexual/passionate love, change, embracing new ideas, tolerance, surrender, the inner child, family
Malfunction Indicators
Creative blocks, stuck in a rut, fear of intimacy, need to possess another, no sense of mystery or magic, issues with the reproductive system
Sacral Chakra Affirmation
I give myself permission to receive pleasure. My sexuality is sacred and my creativity is colorful.
Proactive Ways To Keep The Sacral Chakra Balanced
Drink more water. Have healthy consensual sex. Get in touch with your male and feminine energies. Allow your creativity to flow. Allow yourself to enjoy life, sex, and other pleasures. Get regular health checkups. Dance with an emphasis on moving your hips.